Kilgore American Indian Art is an elite collection of rare and antique American Indian art and Native American history. As a gallery owner and appraiser for The Heard Museum for over 25 years, Kelly Kilgore’s amazing collection puts Mancos, Colorado on the map for museum quality American Indian art. Her must-see collection includes Navajo rugs and weavings, antique and vintage American Indian baskets, vintage Native American jewelry, fine and rare American Indian pottery, vintage kachina dolls, paintings, Native American beadwork, and miscellaneous American Indian rarities.

Kelly Kilgore’s exquisite collection of antique and vintage American Indian art can be viewed at her store in downtown Mancos, Colorado, just about a half hour’s drive from Durango, and 16 miles from Cortez, in the Southwest corner of Colorado, located at the corner of Main and Grand Ave. in Mancos, Colorado, just across from the Absolute Bakery and Cafe, and next door to The Goodnight Trail Gallery.
If you are interested in seeing the Kilgore collection, or if you’re passing through the Four Corners area, stop by Kilgore American Indian Art to view this stunning collection of rare and antique American Indian Art, and experience an exclusive chance to touch the stories and rich history of these American Indian tribes and cultures.